Unfold the Evangel before your eyes!

Are you lost?
Are you worn out?
Are you overwhelmed?
Are you rational?

Only rational, non-dogmatic persons can understand and accept this message. Give yourself a try. Nothing will be like before, I promise!

terça-feira, maio 27, 2008

O comediante pasmo

João Cláudio Moreno, artista de múltiplos talentos, especialmente comediante, e vereador da cidade de Teresina-PI, contou em entrevista recente a seguinte história.

Ele estava no Rio de Janeiro, jantando com sua filha em um restaurante. Ao entrar ele percebeu na parede dois cartazes informando aos clientes de uma lei municipal e outra federal proibindo o fumo naquele recinto. Os fumantes tinham a opção de ficar em mesas do lado de fora. Por causa disso ele havia entrado. Padecendo de um problema que o havia deixado quase completamente afônico, ele, que depende de sua voz para viver, tentava preservar sua saúde a todo custo.

Lá pelas tantas uma mulher em uma mesa próxima abre a bolsa, retira e acende um cigarro. Ao perceber isso, João Cláudio discretamente chama o garçom e pede a ele que, do modo mais gentil possível, peça à senhora para não fumar ali, e que uma pessoa tinha problemas de saúde e que não poderia respirar a fumaça. Ele disse que gastou um bom tempo instruindo o garçom para ser o mais delicado e discreto possível. Porém o homem não agiu assim.

Passando pela mesa da senhora, o garçom foi direto chamar o gerente. Este inquiriu o comediante, chamando a atenção sobre ele, inclusive da fumante. João Cláudio repetiu a explicação e o pedido que havia feito ao garçom.

O gerente saiu da sua mesa, dirigiu-se à mulher e disse, "Olha, não é por mim, que eu nem me incomodo, mas aquele senhor ali está pedindo para a senhora apagar o cigarro".

A mulher olhou para ele irritada e começou a falar impropérios. Levantou-se a contragosto e saiu do restaurante, indo sentar-se em uma das mesas do lado de fora, onde continuou a fumar. No entanto, teve o cuidado de abrir uma janela próxima e jogar as baforadas de fumaça para dentro. Ao terminar o cigarro, voltou para sua antiga mesa. Ao passar por João Cláudio, disse, "Eu precisava fazer isso ou eu não me sentiria feliz!"

O comediante concluiu, pasmo, que o mundo e as pessoas estão cada vez menos preocupados com o bem-estar dos outros e cada vez mais carentes de solidariedade humana. Ele é vereador eleito pelo PC do B.

Veja mais sobre ética aqui

sábado, maio 17, 2008


Chuck Missler
K-House eNews
For The Week Of May 13, 2008

"Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven."

Matthew 10:32-33

The minister at Toronto's West Hill United Church, Rev. Gretta Vosper, does not teach her congregation to recite the Apostle's Creed. She does not believe that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit or born of a virgin. She does not believe that Jesus rose again from the dead or ascended into heaven... or most of the basic tenets of Biblical Christianity. In fact, when her congregation sings famous hymns, the references to Christ and God are removed. Yet, Ms. Vosper calls herself a "Christian" and runs a church in one of Canada's largest Protestant denominations.

Ms. Vosper believes that all that stuff about resurrection and miracles and the forgiveness of sins is something the Christian Church has to get past in order to make it in the 21st Century world. To her, the essence of Christianity is about loving your neighbor. She therefore follows some of the teachings of Christ - according to her preferred interpretation of those teachings. The rest of his message, about dying for our sins, rising again on the third day, and being one with the Father, those must be things she just ignores.

On the other hand, famous evangelical theologian J.I. Packer has recently cut his ties with the Anglican Church of Canada because a significant portion of its liberal leadership has become heretical. He is not alone in his concern. A number of more conservative Anglican parishes have protested the gradual acceptance of homosexuality within many Anglican dioceses. These parishes have split off in increasing numbers, aligning themselves with their Anglican brothers and sisters in other countries. The divisions are not just caused by sex issues. A chasm has steadily grown between those who hold conservative, Bible-based beliefs and those who affirm more liberal, man-centered views.

Packer still believes the Bible is the absolute authority on divine truth. "I'm simply being an old-fashioned mainstream Anglican," Packer said. He hasn't changed, and the Bible hasn't changed, but the Anglican leadership in Canada certainly has.

Since the days of the apostles themselves, Christianity has been full of division. Paul rebuked the Corinthians for being divided among themselves, for some saying, "I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas; and I of Christ (1 Cor 1:12)." He encouraged them to be "perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment (1 Cor 1:10)."

Yet, Jesus himself warned that he did not come to earth to bring peace, and that he would divide even families. Christianity is not really its own religion, after all. Christianity is merely Mature Judaism. Jesus split Judaism into two camps – those who followed Christ in the New Covenant, and those who clung to the Old Covenant.

Psalm 133 describes how desirable unity is. "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard..." We are to seek unity, to exhort each other in humility and love (and not rudeness or high-and-mightiness). Our love for one another is something that is supposed to demonstrate to the world that we are Christ's (John 13:35). Church leaders are to know the Word of God, so that they may "be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers (Titus 1:9)." Yet, when the choice comes down to unity or truth, truth must always win. Unity can never be more important than following Christ himself.

"He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me (Matthew 10:37-38)."

Rev. Gretta Vosper is wrong about the future of Christianity. Biblical Christianity that is full of the Spirit of God will never become outdated. It might be scorned by the intellectuals who consider themselves wise, and it might be rejected by those who seek the praise of man over the praise of God. But, the Spirit of God is always at work in the hearts of men, giving life to human spirits by the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead.

"For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ (2Cor. 4:6)."

Jesus never promised us unity in this world. He did, however, say that he was the way, the truth, and the life. If we keep our eyes on him, we'll be walking in unity with all others who are doing the same.

Related Links:
• Pastor Promotes a Christianity without Christ - The Globe and Mail
• Famed Theologian Quits Anglican Church of Canada - The Christian Post
• Strategic Perspectives Conference II - DVD - Special Offer!

quinta-feira, maio 08, 2008


By Joel C. Rosenberg
(Washington, D.C., May 8, 2008) -- Israel turns 60 today on the Jewish calendar. The Joshua Fund team salutes the brave men and women whom God brought back to the Holy Land to fulfill the prophecies of Ezekiel 36 & 37 -- to rebuild the ancient ruins, make the deserts bloom, create an "exceedingly great army" and forge a homeland to protect and defend the Jewish people from all enemies, foreign and domestic.

We also salute all those Jews, Christians and other "righteous Gentiles" in the U.S. and around the world who have shown unconditional love and unwavering support to Israel in the face of tremendous opposition. Last month The Joshua Fund gathered 2,000 Christian and Jewish leaders at the international convention center in Jerusalem for the inaugural "Epicenter Conference." We celebrated Israel's birthday, examined the threats facing her at present from radical Islam, and discussed ways Christians could bless Israel at this critical hour.

Out of that conference came "60 Ways To Bless Israel At 60." We hope you will be moved to pursue some of these ways in the days and weeks ahead.

1. Help provide brand new backpacks and school supplies for needy Israeli school children. The Joshua Fund has committed $100,000 to this project, working with Jewish and Christian allies in Israel. The backpacks need to be purchased soon and in bulk to get the best prices. They will be distributed in September, when the new school year begins. Would you consider signing up to make a monthly donation to The Joshua Fund of $25, $40 or $60? All donations are tax deductible. For more information on how to make contributions by mail -- or by secure on-line credit card transactions -- please see below.

2. Stock one bomb shelter in northern Israel with food, water, a first aid kit, other emergency supplies and a secure storage locker. There are currently some 5,500 bomb shelters that need to be urgently stocked with supplies before the next war. The Joshua Fund is currently raising funds to stock 100 as soon as possible. Cost per bomb shelter: $5,500.

3. Provide one ton of food to care for needy families in northern Israel who were hit by 4,000 rockets and missiles during the 2006 war with Hezbollah. These families are still recovering from that war. Many live on less than $500 a month. And food prices are rising in Israel, as they are around the globe. Every month, therefore, The Joshua Fund pays for about 10 tons of food to be purchased by one of our allies in Israel, distributed to the needy in the north, as well as stockpiled for the next war. Cost: $2,500 per ton.

4. Help purchase desperately needed medical equipment such as respirators, ventilators, operating room lamps, mobile x-ray machines and the like for under-funded regional hospitals in Israel. At the request of hospital administrators, The Joshua Fund has adopted the Barzilai Medical Center in the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon to help them raise funds for such equipment. Barzilai is the only hospital and trauma center serving the 500,000 Israelis living near the Gaza border and facing a nearly constant barrage of rockets, missiles and mortars. They are doing heroic work, but they do need our help. Cost: Some of this equipment is very costly, averaging between $20,000 to $80,000 each. A donation of $5,000 would help significantly towards meeting these vital needs.

5. Help provide food baskets to needy families in Jerusalem on Jewish holidays. Working with our local allies, The Joshua Fund recently helped finance the distribution of 680 food baskets to needy Israeli families for Passover.

6. Provide food, blankets, wheelchairs and other assistance to Holocaust victims in Israel, many of whom tragically live at or below the poverty level, even within the Jewish State.

7. Help care for the homeless in Israel.

8. Help finance soup kitchens in Israel.

9. Help care for Sudanese refugees in Israel.

10. Help provide blankets and heaters for the elderly in Israel during the cold winter months, since many do not have -- or cannot afford -- central heating.
Help finance the purchase of vans for Israeli organizations that distribute humanitarian aid so they can get supplies to the people that need them most in a more efficient manner. The Joshua Fund is involved in all these areas of relief work -- caring for Holocaust victims, the homeless, refugees, and others -- and we would be honored to get you involved in funding critically important projects such as these.

11. Track daily news coverage of Israel in English through The Jerusalem Post.

12. Track daily news coverage of Israel in English through Ynetnews.com.

13. Track daily news coverage of Israel in English through Haaretz, one of the leading papers in Jerusalem.

14. Track the latest statements and interviews by radical Islamic fanatics -- translated into English -- at the website of the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

15. Become a faithful prayer partner for Israel and her neighbors. The Joshua Fund is looking for 100,000 partners to sign up for free "Flash Traffic" email alerts that include analysis and commentary on events and trends in Israel and the epicenter, Joshua Fund project updates, and prayer requests. More than 52,000 people from all over the world have joined already. You can join the team by clicking below.

16. Take your family on a tour of Israel.

17. Join us on a future Joshua Fund "Prayer & Vision Trip" to Israel.

18. Take Hebrew classes for the summer at your local Jewish Community Center.

19. Make friends with a local Rabbi, find ways to bless the synagogue he runs, and discuss ways to bless Israel together.

20. Learn more about the Israeli economy and business opportunities through the Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce.

For 40 more suggestions, please visit my weblog.

quarta-feira, maio 07, 2008

Global Food Crisis Hits Home

Written by Rusty Wright

Happy with your grocery bills these days? Do those gasoline pump meters seem to whir like Vegas slot machines, except you never hit the jackpot?

The two issues are not unrelated and they’re affecting pocketbooks and bellies at home and around the globe. Some Westerners might react with detached shock to stories of food riots in places like Haiti, India, and Cameroon. But when your local Costco and Sam’s Club start limiting rice purchases (as recently reported), reality creeps in.

Americans seem worried. A USA TODAY/Gallup poll found 73 percent of US consumers concerned about food inflation; almost half said it caused their households hardship. Eighty percent expressed concern about energy prices.{1}

Food price increases that may cause inconvenience or hardship in affluent nations can be devastating for families in the developing world. Recent food riots in Haiti cost the prime minister his job. The New York Times reports that spiraling prices are “turning Haitian staples like beans, corn and rice into closely guarded treasures.” Some Haitians eat mud patties containing oil and sugar to silence their grumbling stomachs.{2}

“Silent Tsunami”

Economist and special United Nations advisor Jeffrey Sachs says of the global food problem, “It’s the worst crisis of its kind in more than 30 years. … There are a number of governments on the ropes, and I think there’s more political fallout to come.” {3}

The UN World Food Program says skyrocketing food prices could create a “silent tsunami” turning 100 million people toward hunger and poverty. Executive director Josette Sheeran called “for large-scale, high-level action by the global community.” {4} British Prime minister Gordon Brown asserts, "Tackling hunger is a moral challenge to each of us and it is also a threat to the political and economic stability of nations." {5}

World Vision, one of the world’s largest relief and development agencies, announced serious cutbacks, saying they are able to feed 1.5 million fewer people than last year. The well-respected Christian humanitarian organization appealed for international donors, citing swelling food prices and increased food need. Rising fuel costs boost fertilizer and food transportation costs. Corn diverted to make biofuels cannot become lunch,{6} though some feel biofuel is a misplaced whipping boy.{7}

Your Strategies

Of course folks in the developed world, not threatened with devastating hunger, can employ multiple strategies to stretch their resources. Careful shopping and research is one. (“Holy Coupon Clipping, Batman! Just look how much we can save if we time our grocery shopping to the sales rather than our impulses!”) Diet adjustment, portion control, and budgetary belt-tightening are others.

And while you’re trying to be sure your outgo doesn’t exceed your income – lest your upkeep become your downfall—may I suggest another wise move? If possible, share some of what you have with the desperately needy. World Vision founder Bob Pierce had as his life theme, "Let my heart be broken by the things that break the heart of God." An ancient Jewish proverb says, “If you help the poor, you are lending to the Lord—and he will repay you!”{8}

Many fine organizations can use your donations to effectively fight poverty and hunger. New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof says, “Nobody gets more bang for the buck than missionary schools and clinics, and Christian aid groups like World Vision and Samaritan's Purse save lives at bargain-basement prices.” {9} I would add World Relief and the Salvation Army to the list. Your local house of worship may be a good place to start.

As another of those ancient Jewish proverbs says, “Blessed are those who help the poor.” {10}


1. Sue Kirchhoff, “Poll: Food costs a major worry for consumers,” USA Today, April 22, 2008; at www.usatoday.com/money/economy/2008-04-22-food-costs-rise-poll_N.htm, accessed April 25, 2008.
2. Marc Lacey, “Across Globe, Empty Bellies Bring Rising Anger, The New York Times, April 18, 2008; at tinyurl.com/6hhcsx, accessed April 25, 2008.
3. Ibid.
4. “World Food Crisis a 'Silent Tsunami,'” Agence France-Presse, The New York Times, April 23, 2008; at tinyurl.com/59asm6, accessed April 25, 2008.
5. CTV.ca News Staff, “World Vision needs urgent help as millions starve,” April 23, 2008; at tinyurl.com/5y4wy5.
6. “Aid group to cut food ration to millions,” CNN.com, April 22, 2008; at www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/europe/04/22/food.program.cutback, accessed April 25, 2008. Editor's Note: "Page not found" error at this address while processing article. Try typing title of article into CNN.com search engine.
7. “Bad policy, not biofuel, drive food prices: Merkel,” Reuters, April 17, 2008; at www.reuters.com/article/environmentNews/idUSL1721113520080417. accessed April 25, 2008.
8. Proverbs 19:17 NLT.
9. Nicholas D. Kristof, “Bush, a Friend of Africa,” The New York Times, July 5, 2005; at http://tinyurl.com/y8wwoj; accessed April 25, 2008.
10. Proverbs 14:21 NLT.

© 2008 Rusty Wright

About the Author

Rusty Wright, associate speaker and writer with Probe Ministries, is an international lecturer, award-winning author, and journalist who has spoken on six continents. He holds Bachelor of Science (psychology) and Master of Theology degrees from Duke and Oxford universities, respectively. He can be reached at RustyWright@aol.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

What is Probe?

Probe Ministries is a non-profit ministry whose mission is to assist the church in renewing the minds of believers with a Christian worldview and to equip the church to engage the world for Christ. Probe fulfills this mission through our Mind Games conferences for youth and adults, our 3-minute daily radio program, and our extensive Web site at www.probe.org.

Further information about Probe's materials and ministry may be obtained by contacting us at:

Probe Ministries
1900 Firman Drive, Suite 100
Richardson, TX 75081
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sábado, maio 03, 2008

Jornal Espiritual

Há uma nova extensão de Equipando os Santos disponível. Jornal Espiritual traz um enfoque mais ágil às questões de interesse do cristão de língua portuguesa em todo o mundo. Ali, tratamos de fatos da atualidade, coisas importantes que eu encontro na Bíblia e de livros que eu li ou leio e gostaria de compartilhar. Deixe a sua opinião também!